Educational Affairs

As training programs maintain accreditations, the college prepares to welcome dozens of new residents.

By Linda Edwards, M.D.
Match Day 2019 Students from the UF College of Medicine class of 2019 discovered where they will complete their residency training during a ceremony March 15.
Firas Madbak, M.D. Firas Madbak, M.D.
Colleen Kalynych, Ed.D. Colleen Kalynych, Ed.D.
Carol Diachun, M.D., M.S.Ed. Carol Diachun, M.D., M.S.Ed.
David Chesire, Ph.D. David Chesire, Ph.D.
Mirza with poster Ayesha Mirza, M.D., stands beside her poster on faculty development compliance, which she presented at a recent conference in Orlando.